[][src]Function gmsh_sys::gmshModelGeoMeshSetTransfiniteSurface

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gmshModelGeoMeshSetTransfiniteSurface(
    tag: c_int,
    arrangement: *const c_char,
    cornerTags: *mut c_int,
    cornerTags_n: usize,
    ierr: *mut c_int

Set a transfinite meshing constraint on the surface tag. arrangement describes the arrangement of the triangles when the surface is not flagged as recombined: currently supported values are "Left", "Right", "AlternateLeft" and "AlternateRight". cornerTags can be used to specify the (3 or 4) corners of the transfinite interpolation explicitly; specifying the corners explicitly is mandatory if the surface has more that 3 or 4 points on its boundary.