gmshClear⚠ | Clear all loaded models and post-processing data, and add a new empty
gmshFinalize⚠ | Finalize Gmsh. This must be called when you are done using the Gmsh API.
gmshFltkAwake⚠ | Awake the main user interface thread and process pending events, and
optionally perform an action (currently the only action allowed is
gmshFltkInitialize⚠ | Create the FLTK graphical user interface. Can only be called in the main
gmshFltkLock⚠ | Block the current thread until it can safely modify the user interface.
gmshFltkRun⚠ | Run the event loop of the graphical user interface, i.e. repeatedly call
wait() . First automatically create the user interface if it has not yet
been initialized. Can only be called in the main thread.
gmshFltkSelectElements⚠ | Select elements in the user interface.
gmshFltkSelectEntities⚠ | Select entities in the user interface. If dim is >= 0, return only the
entities of the specified dimension (e.g. points if dim == 0).
gmshFltkSelectViews⚠ | Select views in the user interface.
gmshFltkUnlock⚠ | Release the lock that was set using lock.
gmshFltkUpdate⚠ | Update the user interface (potentially creating new widgets and windows).
First automatically create the user interface if it has not yet been
initialized. Can only be called in the main thread: use awake("update")
to trigger an update of the user interface from another thread.
gmshFltkWait⚠ | Wait at most time seconds for user interface events and return. If time
< 0, wait indefinitely. First automatically create the user interface if it
has not yet been initialized. Can only be called in the main thread.
gmshFree⚠ | |
gmshGraphicsDraw⚠ | Draw all the OpenGL scenes.
gmshInitialize⚠ | Initialize Gmsh. This must be called before any call to the other functions
in the API. If argc and argv (or just argv in Python or Julia) are
provided, they will be handled in the same way as the command line
arguments in the Gmsh app. If readConfigFiles is set, read system Gmsh
configuration files (gmshrc and gmsh-options).
gmshLoggerCputime⚠ | Return CPU time.
gmshLoggerGet⚠ | Get logged messages.
gmshLoggerStart⚠ | Start logging messages.
gmshLoggerStop⚠ | Stop logging messages.
gmshLoggerTime⚠ | Return wall clock time.
gmshLoggerWrite⚠ | Write a message . level can be "info", "warning" or "error".
gmshMalloc⚠ | |
gmshMerge⚠ | Merge a file. Equivalent to the File->Merge menu in the Gmsh app.
Handling of the file depends on its extension and/or its contents. Merging
a file with model data will add the data to the current model.
gmshModelAdd⚠ | Add a new model, with name name , and set it as the current model.
gmshModelAddDiscreteEntity⚠ | Add a discrete model entity (defined by a mesh) of dimension dim in the
current model. Return the tag of the new discrete entity, equal to tag if
tag is positive, or a new tag if tag < 0. boundary specifies the tags
of the entities on the boundary of the discrete entity, if any. Specifying
boundary allows Gmsh to construct the topology of the overall model.
gmshModelAddPhysicalGroup⚠ | Add a physical group of dimension dim , grouping the model entities with
tags tags . Return the tag of the physical group, equal to tag if tag
is positive, or a new tag if tag < 0.
gmshModelGeoAddBSpline⚠ | Add a cubic b-spline curve with pointTags control points. If tag is
positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected
automatically. Creates a periodic curve if the first and last points are
the same. Return the tag of the b-spline curve.
gmshModelGeoAddBezier⚠ | Add a Bezier curve with pointTags control points. If tag is positive,
set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically.
Return the tag of the Bezier curve.
gmshModelGeoAddCircleArc⚠ | Add a circle arc (strictly smaller than Pi) between the two points with
tags startTag and endTag , with center centertag . If tag is
positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected
automatically. If (nx , ny , nz ) != (0,0,0), explicitly set the plane
of the circle arc. Return the tag of the circle arc.
gmshModelGeoAddCurveLoop⚠ | Add a curve loop (a closed wire) formed by the curves curveTags .
curveTags should contain (signed) tags of model enties of dimension 1
forming a closed loop: a negative tag signifies that the underlying curve
is considered with reversed orientation. If tag is positive, set the tag
explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag
of the curve loop.
gmshModelGeoAddEllipseArc⚠ | Add an ellipse arc (strictly smaller than Pi) between the two points
startTag and endTag , with center centerTag and major axis point
majorTag . If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new
tag is selected automatically. If (nx , ny , nz ) != (0,0,0), explicitly
set the plane of the circle arc. Return the tag of the ellipse arc.
gmshModelGeoAddLine⚠ | Add a straight line segment between the two points with tags startTag and
endTag . If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag
is selected automatically. Return the tag of the line.
gmshModelGeoAddPlaneSurface⚠ | Add a plane surface defined by one or more curve loops wireTags . The
first curve loop defines the exterior contour; additional curve loop define
holes. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is
selected automatically. Return the tag of the surface.
gmshModelGeoAddPoint⚠ | Add a geometrical point in the built-in CAD representation, at coordinates
(x , y , z ). If meshSize is > 0, add a meshing constraint at that
point. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is
selected automatically. Return the tag of the point. (Note that the point
will be added in the current model only after synchronize is called. This
behavior holds for all the entities added in the geo module.)
gmshModelGeoAddSpline⚠ | Add a spline (Catmull-Rom) curve going through the points pointTags . If
tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected
automatically. Create a periodic curve if the first and last points are the
same. Return the tag of the spline curve.
gmshModelGeoAddSurfaceFilling⚠ | Add a surface filling the curve loops in wireTags . Currently only a
single curve loop is supported; this curve loop should be composed by 3 or
4 curves only. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a
new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag of the surface.
gmshModelGeoAddSurfaceLoop⚠ | Add a surface loop (a closed shell) formed by surfaceTags . If tag is
positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected
automatically. Return the tag of the shell.
gmshModelGeoAddVolume⚠ | Add a volume (a region) defined by one or more shells shellTags . The
first surface loop defines the exterior boundary; additional surface loop
define holes. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new
tag is selected automatically. Return the tag of the volume.
gmshModelGeoCopy⚠ | Copy the entities dimTags ; the new entities are returned in outDimTags .
gmshModelGeoDilate⚠ | Scale the model entities dimTag by factors a , b and c along the
three coordinate axes; use (x , y , z ) as the center of the homothetic
gmshModelGeoExtrude⚠ | Extrude the model entities dimTags by translation along (dx , dy ,
dz ). Return extruded entities in outDimTags . If numElements is not
empty, also extrude the mesh: the entries in numElements give the number
of elements in each layer. If height is not empty, it provides the
(cumulative) height of the different layers, normalized to 1. If dx ==
dy == dz == 0, the entities are extruded along their normal.
gmshModelGeoMeshSetRecombine⚠ | Set a recombination meshing constraint on the model entity of dimension
dim and tag tag . Currently only entities of dimension 2 (to recombine
triangles into quadrangles) are supported.
gmshModelGeoMeshSetReverse⚠ | Set a reverse meshing constraint on the model entity of dimension dim and
tag tag . If val is true, the mesh orientation will be reversed with
respect to the natural mesh orientation (i.e. the orientation consistent
with the orientation of the geometry). If val is false, the mesh is left
gmshModelGeoMeshSetSize⚠ | Set a mesh size constraint on the model entities dimTags . Currently only
entities of dimension 0 (points) are handled.
gmshModelGeoMeshSetSmoothing⚠ | Set a smoothing meshing constraint on the model entity of dimension dim
and tag tag . val iterations of a Laplace smoother are applied.
gmshModelGeoMeshSetTransfiniteCurve⚠ | Set a transfinite meshing constraint on the curve tag , with numNodes
nodes distributed according to meshType and coef . Currently supported
types are "Progression" (geometrical progression with power coef ) and
"Bump" (refinement toward both extremities of the curve).
gmshModelGeoMeshSetTransfiniteSurface⚠ | Set a transfinite meshing constraint on the surface tag . arrangement
describes the arrangement of the triangles when the surface is not flagged
as recombined: currently supported values are "Left", "Right",
"AlternateLeft" and "AlternateRight". cornerTags can be used to specify
the (3 or 4) corners of the transfinite interpolation explicitly;
specifying the corners explicitly is mandatory if the surface has more that
3 or 4 points on its boundary.
gmshModelGeoMeshSetTransfiniteVolume⚠ | Set a transfinite meshing constraint on the surface tag . cornerTags can
be used to specify the (6 or 8) corners of the transfinite interpolation
gmshModelGeoRemove⚠ | Remove the entities dimTags . If recursive is true, remove all the
entities on their boundaries, down to dimension 0.
gmshModelGeoRemoveAllDuplicates⚠ | Remove all duplicate entities (different entities at the same geometrical
gmshModelGeoRevolve⚠ | Extrude the model entities dimTags by rotation of angle radians around
the axis of revolution defined by the point (x , y , z ) and the
direction (ax , ay , az ). The angle should be strictly smaller than Pi.
Return extruded entities in outDimTags . If numElements is not empty,
also extrude the mesh: the entries in numElements give the number of
elements in each layer. If height is not empty, it provides the
(cumulative) height of the different layers, normalized to 1.
gmshModelGeoRotate⚠ | Rotate the model entities dimTags of angle radians around the axis of
revolution defined by the point (x , y , z ) and the direction (ax ,
ay , az ).
gmshModelGeoSymmetrize⚠ | Apply a symmetry transformation to the model entities dimTag , with
respect to the plane of equation a * x + b * y + c * z + d = 0.
gmshModelGeoSynchronize⚠ | Synchronize the built-in CAD representation with the current Gmsh model.
This can be called at any time, but since it involves a non trivial amount
of processing, the number of synchronization points should normally be
gmshModelGeoTranslate⚠ | Translate the model entities dimTags along (dx , dy , dz ).
gmshModelGeoTwist⚠ | Extrude the model entities dimTags by a combined translation and rotation
of angle radians, along (dx , dy , dz ) and around the axis of
revolution defined by the point (x , y , z ) and the direction (ax ,
ay , az ). The angle should be strictly smaller than Pi. Return extruded
entities in outDimTags . If numElements is not empty, also extrude the
mesh: the entries in numElements give the number of elements in each
layer. If height is not empty, it provides the (cumulative) height of the
different layers, normalized to 1.
gmshModelGetBoundary⚠ | Get the boundary of the model entities dimTags . Return in outDimTags
the boundary of the individual entities (if combined is false) or the
boundary of the combined geometrical shape formed by all input entities (if
combined is true). Return tags multiplied by the sign of the boundary
entity if oriented is true. Apply the boundary operator recursively down
to dimension 0 (i.e. to points) if recursive is true.
gmshModelGetBoundingBox⚠ | Get the bounding box (xmin , ymin , zmin ), (xmax , ymax , zmax ) of
the model entity of dimension dim and tag tag . If dim and tag are
negative, get the bounding box of the whole model.
gmshModelGetColor⚠ | Get the color of the model entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelGetCurvature⚠ | Evaluate the (maximum) curvature of the entity of dimension dim and tag
tag at the parametric coordinates parametricCoord . Only valid for dim
equal to 1 (with parametricCoord containing parametric coordinates on the
curve) or 2 (with parametricCoord containing pairs of u, v parametric
coordinates on the surface, concatenated: [p1u, p1v, p2u, ...]).
gmshModelGetDerivative⚠ | Evaluate the derivative of the parametrization of the entity of dimension
dim and tag tag at the parametric coordinates parametricCoord . Only
valid for dim equal to 1 (with parametricCoord containing parametric
coordinates on the curve) or 2 (with parametricCoord containing pairs of
u, v parametric coordinates on the surface, concatenated: [p1u, p1v, p2u,
...]). For dim equal to 1 return the x, y, z components of the derivative
with respect to u [d1ux, d1uy, d1uz, d2ux, ...]; for dim equal to 2
return the x, y, z components of the derivate with respect to u and v:
[d1ux, d1uy, d1uz, d1vx, d1vy, d1vz, d2ux, ...].
gmshModelGetDimension⚠ | Get the geometrical dimension of the current model.
gmshModelGetEntities⚠ | Get all the entities in the current model. If dim is >= 0, return only
the entities of the specified dimension (e.g. points if dim == 0). The
entities are returned as a vector of (dim, tag) integer pairs.
gmshModelGetEntitiesForPhysicalGroup⚠ | Get the tags of the model entities making up the physical group of
dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelGetEntitiesInBoundingBox⚠ | Get the model entities in the bounding box defined by the two points
(xmin , ymin , zmin ) and (xmax , ymax , zmax ). If dim is >= 0,
return only the entities of the specified dimension (e.g. points if dim
== 0).
gmshModelGetEntityName⚠ | Get the name of the entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelGetNormal⚠ | Get the normal to the surface with tag tag at the parametric coordinates
parametricCoord . parametricCoord are given by pairs of u and v
coordinates, concatenated: [p1u, p1v, p2u, ...]. normals are returned as
triplets of x, y, z components, concatenated: [n1x, n1y, n1z, n2x, ...].
gmshModelGetParent⚠ | In a partitioned model, get the parent of the entity of dimension dim and
tag tag , i.e. from which the entity is a part of, if any. parentDim and
parentTag are set to -1 if the entity has no parent.
gmshModelGetPartitions⚠ | In a partitioned model, return the tags of the partition(s) to which the
entity belongs.
gmshModelGetPhysicalGroups⚠ | Get all the physical groups in the current model. If dim is >= 0, return
only the entities of the specified dimension (e.g. physical points if dim
== 0). The entities are returned as a vector of (dim, tag) integer pairs.
gmshModelGetPhysicalGroupsForEntity⚠ | Get the tags of the physical groups (if any) to which the model entity of
dimension dim and tag tag belongs.
gmshModelGetPhysicalName⚠ | Get the name of the physical group of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelGetPrincipalCurvatures⚠ | Evaluate the principal curvatures of the surface with tag tag at the
parametric coordinates parametricCoord , as well as their respective
directions. parametricCoord are given by pair of u and v coordinates,
concatenated: [p1u, p1v, p2u, ...].
gmshModelGetType⚠ | Get the type of the entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelGetValue⚠ | Evaluate the parametrization of the entity of dimension dim and tag tag
at the parametric coordinates parametricCoord . Only valid for dim equal
to 0 (with empty parametricCoord ), 1 (with parametricCoord containing
parametric coordinates on the curve) or 2 (with parametricCoord
containing pairs of u, v parametric coordinates on the surface,
concatenated: [p1u, p1v, p2u, ...]). Return triplets of x, y, z coordinates
in points , concatenated: [p1x, p1y, p1z, p2x, ...].
gmshModelGetVisibility⚠ | Get the visibility of the model entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelList⚠ | List the names of all models.
gmshModelMeshAddElements⚠ | Add elements classified on the entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
types contains the MSH types of the elements (e.g. 2 for 3-node
triangles: see the Gmsh reference manual). elementTags is a vector of the
same length as types ; each entry is a vector containing the tags (unique,
strictly positive identifiers) of the elements of the corresponding type.
nodeTags is also a vector of the same length as types ; each entry is a
vector of length equal to the number of elements of the given type times
the number N of nodes per element, that contains the node tags of all the
elements of the given type, concatenated: [e1n1, e1n2, ..., e1nN, e2n1,
gmshModelMeshAddElementsByType⚠ | Add elements of type elementType classified on the entity of tag tag .
elementTags contains the tags (unique, strictly positive identifiers) of
the elements of the corresponding type. nodeTags is a vector of length
equal to the number of elements times the number N of nodes per element,
that contains the node tags of all the elements, concatenated: [e1n1, e1n2,
..., e1nN, e2n1, ...]. If the elementTag vector is empty, new tags are
automatically assigned to the elements.
gmshModelMeshAddNodes⚠ | Add nodes classified on the model entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
nodeTags contains the node tags (their unique, strictly positive
identification numbers). coord is a vector of length 3 times the length
of nodeTags that contains the x, y, z coordinates of the nodes,
concatenated: [n1x, n1y, n1z, n2x, ...]. The optional parametricCoord
vector contains the parametric coordinates of the nodes, if any. The length
of parametricCoord can be 0 or dim times the length of nodeTags . If
the nodeTags vector is empty, new tags are automatically assigned to the
gmshModelMeshClassifySurfaces⚠ | Classify ("color") the surface mesh based on the angle threshold angle
(in radians), and create new discrete surfaces, curves and points
accordingly. If boundary is set, also create discrete curves on the
boundary if the surface is open. If forReparametrization is set, create
edges and surfaces that can be reparametrized using a single map.
gmshModelMeshClear⚠ | Clear the mesh, i.e. delete all the nodes and elements.
gmshModelMeshComputeCohomology⚠ | Compute a basis representation for cohomology spaces after a mesh has been
generated. The computation domain is given in a list of physical group tags
domainTags ; if empty, the whole mesh is the domain. The computation
subdomain for relative cohomology computation is given in a list of
physical group tags subdomainTags ; if empty, absolute cohomology is
computed. The dimensions homology bases to be computed are given in the
list dim ; if empty, all bases are computed. Resulting basis
representation cochains are stored as physical groups in the mesh.
gmshModelMeshComputeHomology⚠ | Compute a basis representation for homology spaces after a mesh has been
generated. The computation domain is given in a list of physical group tags
domainTags ; if empty, the whole mesh is the domain. The computation
subdomain for relative homology computation is given in a list of physical
group tags subdomainTags ; if empty, absolute homology is computed. The
dimensions homology bases to be computed are given in the list dim ; if
empty, all bases are computed. Resulting basis representation chains are
stored as physical groups in the mesh.
gmshModelMeshCreateGeometry⚠ | Create a parametrization for discrete curves and surfaces (i.e. curves and
surfaces represented solely by a mesh, without an underlying CAD
description), assuming that each can be parametrized with a single map.
gmshModelMeshCreateTopology⚠ | Create a boundary representation from the mesh if the model does not have
one (e.g. when imported from mesh file formats with no BRep representation
of the underlying model).
gmshModelMeshEmbed⚠ | Embed the model entities of dimension dim and tags tags in the
(inDim , inTag ) model entity. The dimension dim can 0, 1 or 2 and must
be strictly smaller than inDim , which must be either 2 or 3. The embedded
entities should not be part of the boundary of the entity inTag , whose
mesh will conform to the mesh of the embedded entities.
gmshModelMeshFieldAdd⚠ | Add a new mesh size field of type fieldType . If tag is positive, assign
the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is assigned automatically. Return
the field tag.
gmshModelMeshFieldRemove⚠ | Remove the field with tag tag .
gmshModelMeshFieldSetAsBackgroundMesh⚠ | Set the field tag as the background mesh size field.
gmshModelMeshFieldSetAsBoundaryLayer⚠ | Set the field tag as a boundary layer size field.
gmshModelMeshFieldSetNumber⚠ | Set the numerical option option to value value for field tag .
gmshModelMeshFieldSetNumbers⚠ | Set the numerical list option option to value value for field tag .
gmshModelMeshFieldSetString⚠ | Set the string option option to value value for field tag .
gmshModelMeshGenerate⚠ | Generate a mesh of the current model, up to dimension dim (0, 1, 2 or 3).
gmshModelMeshGetBarycenters⚠ | Get the barycenters of all elements of type elementType classified on the
entity of tag tag . If primary is set, only the primary nodes of the
elements are taken into account for the barycenter calculation. If fast
is set, the function returns the sum of the primary node coordinates
(without normalizing by the number of nodes). If tag < 0, get the
barycenters for all entities. If numTasks > 1, only compute and return
the part of the data indexed by task .
gmshModelMeshGetBasisFunctions⚠ | Get the basis functions of the element of type elementType at the
integration points integrationPoints (given as concatenated triplets of
coordinates in the reference element [g1u, g1v, g1w, ..., gGu, gGv, gGw]),
for the function space functionSpaceType (e.g. "Lagrange" or
"GradLagrange" for Lagrange basis functions or their gradient, in the u, v,
w coordinates of the reference element). numComponents returns the number
C of components of a basis function. basisFunctions returns the value of
the N basis functions at the integration points, i.e. [g1f1, g1f2, ...,
g1fN, g2f1, ...] when C == 1 or [g1f1u, g1f1v, g1f1w, g1f2u, ..., g1fNw,
g2f1u, ...] when C == 3.
gmshModelMeshGetBasisFunctionsForElements⚠ | Get the element-dependent basis functions of the elements of type
elementType in the entity of tag tag at the integration points
integrationPoints (given as concatenated triplets of coordinates in the
reference element [g1u, g1v, g1w, ..., gGu, gGv, gGw]), for the function
space functionSpaceType (e.g. "H1Legendre3" or "GradH1Legendre3" for 3rd
order hierarchical H1 Legendre functions or their gradient, in the u, v, w
coordinates of the reference elements). numComponents returns the number
C of components of a basis function. numBasisFunctions returns the number
N of basis functions per element. basisFunctions returns the value of the
basis functions at the integration points for each element: [e1g1f1,...,
e1g1fN, e1g2f1,..., e2g1f1, ...] when C == 1 or [e1g1f1u, e1g1f1v,...,
e1g1fNw, e1g2f1u,..., e2g1f1u, ...]. Warning: this is an experimental
feature and will probably change in a future release.
gmshModelMeshGetElement⚠ | Get the type and node tags of the element with tag tag . This is a
sometimes useful but inefficient way of accessing elements, as it relies on
a cache stored in the model. For large meshes all the elements in the model
should be numbered in a continuous sequence of tags from 1 to N to maintain
reasonable performance (in this case the internal cache is based on a
vector; otherwise it uses a map).
gmshModelMeshGetElementByCoordinates⚠ | Search the mesh for an element located at coordinates (x , y , z ). This
is a sometimes useful but inefficient way of accessing elements, as it
relies on a search in a spatial octree. If an element is found, return its
tag, type and node tags, as well as the local coordinates (u , v , w )
within the element corresponding to search location. If dim is >= 0, only
search for elements of the given dimension. If strict is not set, use a
tolerance to find elements near the search location.
gmshModelMeshGetElementEdgeNodes⚠ | Get the nodes on the edges of all elements of type elementType classified
on the entity of tag tag . nodeTags contains the node tags of the edges
for all the elements: [e1a1n1, e1a1n2, e1a2n1, ...]. Data is returned by
element, with elements in the same order as in getElements and
getElementsByType . If primary is set, only the primary (begin/end)
nodes of the edges are returned. If tag < 0, get the edge nodes for all
entities. If numTasks > 1, only compute and return the part of the data
indexed by task .
gmshModelMeshGetElementFaceNodes⚠ | Get the nodes on the faces of type faceType (3 for triangular faces, 4
for quadrangular faces) of all elements of type elementType classified on
the entity of tag tag . nodeTags contains the node tags of the faces for
all elements: [e1f1n1, ..., e1f1nFaceType, e1f2n1, ...]. Data is returned
by element, with elements in the same order as in getElements and
getElementsByType . If primary is set, only the primary (corner) nodes
of the faces are returned. If tag < 0, get the face nodes for all
entities. If numTasks > 1, only compute and return the part of the data
indexed by task .
gmshModelMeshGetElementProperties⚠ | Get the properties of an element of type elementType : its name
(elementName ), dimension (dim ), order (order ), number of nodes
(numNodes ) and coordinates of the nodes in the reference element
(nodeCoord vector, of length dim times numNodes ).
gmshModelMeshGetElementType⚠ | Return an element type given its family name familyName ("point", "line",
"triangle", "quadrangle", "tetrahedron", "pyramid", "prism", "hexahedron")
and polynomial order order . If serendip is true, return the
corresponding serendip element type (element without interior nodes).
gmshModelMeshGetElementTypes⚠ | Get the types of elements in the entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
If tag < 0, get the types for all entities of dimension dim . If dim
and tag are negative, get all the types in the mesh.
gmshModelMeshGetElements⚠ | Get the elements classified on the entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
If tag < 0, get the elements for all entities of dimension dim . If
dim and tag are negative, get all the elements in the mesh.
elementTypes contains the MSH types of the elements (e.g. 2 for 3-node
triangles: see getElementProperties to obtain the properties for a given
element type). elementTags is a vector of the same length as
elementTypes ; each entry is a vector containing the tags (unique,
strictly positive identifiers) of the elements of the corresponding type.
nodeTags is also a vector of the same length as elementTypes ; each
entry is a vector of length equal to the number of elements of the given
type times the number N of nodes for this type of element, that contains
the node tags of all the elements of the given type, concatenated: [e1n1,
e1n2, ..., e1nN, e2n1, ...].
gmshModelMeshGetElementsByType⚠ | Get the elements of type elementType classified on the entity of tag
tag . If tag < 0, get the elements for all entities. elementTags is a
vector containing the tags (unique, strictly positive identifiers) of the
elements of the corresponding type. nodeTags is a vector of length equal
to the number of elements of the given type times the number N of nodes for
this type of element, that contains the node tags of all the elements of
the given type, concatenated: [e1n1, e1n2, ..., e1nN, e2n1, ...]. If
numTasks > 1, only compute and return the part of the data indexed by
task .
gmshModelMeshGetGhostElements⚠ | Get the ghost elements elementTags and their associated partitions
stored in the ghost entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelMeshGetInformationForElements⚠ | Get information about the keys . infoKeys returns information about the
functions associated with the keys . infoKeys[0].first describes the
type of function (0 for vertex function, 1 for edge function, 2 for face
function and 3 for bubble function). infoKeys[0].second gives the order
of the function associated with the key. Warning: this is an experimental
feature and will probably change in a future release.
gmshModelMeshGetIntegrationPoints⚠ | Get the numerical quadrature information for the given element type
elementType and integration rule integrationType (e.g. "Gauss4" for a
Gauss quadrature suited for integrating 4th order polynomials).
integrationPoints contains the u, v, w coordinates of the G integration
points in the reference element: [g1u, g1v, g1w, ..., gGu, gGv, gGw].
integrationWeigths contains the associated weights: [g1q, ..., gGq].
gmshModelMeshGetJacobians⚠ | Get the Jacobians of all the elements of type elementType classified on
the entity of tag tag , at the G integration points integrationPoints
given as concatenated triplets of coordinates in the reference element
[g1u, g1v, g1w, ..., gGu, gGv, gGw]. Data is returned by element, with
elements in the same order as in getElements and getElementsByType .
jacobians contains for each element the 9 entries of the 3x3 Jacobian
matrix at each integration point. The matrix is returned by column:
[e1g1Jxu, e1g1Jyu, e1g1Jzu, e1g1Jxv, ..., e1g1Jzw, e1g2Jxu, ..., e1gGJzw,
e2g1Jxu, ...], with Jxu=dx/du, Jyu=dy/du, etc. determinants contains for
each element the determinant of the Jacobian matrix at each integration
point: [e1g1, e1g2, ... e1gG, e2g1, ...]. points contains for each
element the x, y, z coordinates of the integration points. If tag < 0,
get the Jacobian data for all entities. If numTasks > 1, only compute and
return the part of the data indexed by task .
gmshModelMeshGetKeysForElements⚠ | Generate the keys for the elements of type elementType in the entity of
tag tag , for the functionSpaceType function space. Each key uniquely
identifies a basis function in the function space. If returnCoord is set,
the coord vector contains the x, y, z coordinates locating basis
functions for sorting purposes. Warning: this is an experimental feature
and will probably change in a future release.
gmshModelMeshGetLastEntityError⚠ | Get the last entities (if any) where a meshing error occurred. Currently
only populated by the new 3D meshing algorithms.
gmshModelMeshGetLastNodeError⚠ | Get the last nodes (if any) where a meshing error occurred. Currently only
populated by the new 3D meshing algorithms.
gmshModelMeshGetNode⚠ | Get the coordinates and the parametric coordinates (if any) of the node
with tag tag . This is a sometimes useful but inefficient way of accessing
nodes, as it relies on a cache stored in the model. For large meshes all
the nodes in the model should be numbered in a continuous sequence of tags
from 1 to N to maintain reasonable performance (in this case the internal
cache is based on a vector; otherwise it uses a map).
gmshModelMeshGetNodes⚠ | Get the nodes classified on the entity of dimension dim and tag tag . If
tag < 0, get the nodes for all entities of dimension dim . If dim and
tag are negative, get all the nodes in the mesh. nodeTags contains the
node tags (their unique, strictly positive identification numbers). coord
is a vector of length 3 times the length of nodeTags that contains the x,
y, z coordinates of the nodes, concatenated: [n1x, n1y, n1z, n2x, ...]. If
dim >= 0 and returnParamtricCoord is set, parametricCoord contains
the parametric coordinates ([u1, u2, ...] or [u1, v1, u2, ...]) of the
nodes, if available. The length of parametricCoord can be 0 or dim
times the length of nodeTags . If includeBoundary is set, also return
the nodes classified on the boundary of the entity (which will be
reparametrized on the entity if dim >= 0 in order to compute their
parametric coordinates).
gmshModelMeshGetNodesByElementType⚠ | Get the nodes classified on the entity of tag tag , for all the elements
of type elementType . The other arguments are treated as in getNodes .
gmshModelMeshGetNodesForPhysicalGroup⚠ | Get the nodes from all the elements belonging to the physical group of
dimension dim and tag tag . nodeTags contains the node tags; coord
is a vector of length 3 times the length of nodeTags that contains the x,
y, z coordinates of the nodes, concatenated: [n1x, n1y, n1z, n2x, ...].
gmshModelMeshGetPeriodicNodes⚠ | Get the master entity tagMaster , the node tags nodeTags and their
corresponding master node tags nodeTagsMaster , and the affine transform
affineTransform for the entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelMeshOptimize⚠ | Optimize the mesh of the current model using method (empty for default
tetrahedral mesh optimizer, "Netgen" for Netgen optimizer, "HighOrder" for
direct high-order mesh optimizer, "HighOrderElastic" for high-order elastic
smoother). If force is set apply the optimization also to discrete
gmshModelMeshPartition⚠ | Partition the mesh of the current model into numPart partitions.
gmshModelMeshPreallocateBarycenters⚠ | Preallocate data before calling getBarycenters with numTasks > 1. For C
and C++ only.
gmshModelMeshPreallocateElementsByType⚠ | Preallocate data before calling getElementsByType with numTasks > 1.
For C and C++ only.
gmshModelMeshPreallocateJacobians⚠ | Preallocate data before calling getJacobians with numTasks > 1. For C
and C++ only.
gmshModelMeshPrecomputeBasisFunctions⚠ | Precomputes the basis functions corresponding to elementType .
gmshModelMeshRebuildNodeCache⚠ | Rebuild the node cache.
gmshModelMeshReclassifyNodes⚠ | Reclassify all nodes on their associated model entity, based on the
elements. Can be used when importing nodes in bulk (e.g. by associating
them all to a single volume), to reclassify them correctly on model
surfaces, curves, etc. after the elements have been set.
gmshModelMeshRecombine⚠ | Recombine the mesh of the current model.
gmshModelMeshRefine⚠ | Refine the mesh of the current model by uniformly splitting the elements.
gmshModelMeshRelocateNodes⚠ | Relocate the nodes classified on the entity of dimension dim and tag
tag using their parametric coordinates. If tag < 0, relocate the nodes
for all entities of dimension dim . If dim and tag are negative,
relocate all the nodes in the mesh.
gmshModelMeshRemoveDuplicateNodes⚠ | Remove duplicate nodes in the mesh of the current model.
gmshModelMeshRemoveEmbedded⚠ | Remove embedded entities from the model entities dimTags . if dim is >=
0, only remove embedded entities of the given dimension (e.g. embedded
points if dim == 0).
gmshModelMeshRenumberElements⚠ | Renumber the element tags in a continuous sequence.
gmshModelMeshRenumberNodes⚠ | Renumber the node tags in a continuous sequence.
gmshModelMeshReorderElements⚠ | Reorder the elements of type elementType classified on the entity of tag
tag according to ordering .
gmshModelMeshSetOrder⚠ | Set the order of the elements in the mesh of the current model to order .
gmshModelMeshSetOutwardOrientation⚠ | Set meshing constraints on the bounding surfaces of the volume of tag tag
so that all surfaces are oriented with outward pointing normals. Currently
only available with the OpenCASCADE kernel, as it relies on the STL
gmshModelMeshSetPeriodic⚠ | Set the meshes of the entities of dimension dim and tag tags as
periodic copies of the meshes of entities tagsMaster , using the affine
transformation specified in affineTransformation (16 entries of a 4x4
matrix, by row). Currently only available for dim == 1 and dim == 2.
gmshModelMeshSetRecombine⚠ | Set a recombination meshing constraint on the model entity of dimension
dim and tag tag . Currently only entities of dimension 2 (to recombine
triangles into quadrangles) are supported.
gmshModelMeshSetReverse⚠ | Set a reverse meshing constraint on the model entity of dimension dim and
tag tag . If val is true, the mesh orientation will be reversed with
respect to the natural mesh orientation (i.e. the orientation consistent
with the orientation of the geometry). If val is false, the mesh is left
gmshModelMeshSetSize⚠ | Set a mesh size constraint on the model entities dimTags . Currently only
entities of dimension 0 (points) are handled.
gmshModelMeshSetSmoothing⚠ | Set a smoothing meshing constraint on the model entity of dimension dim
and tag tag . val iterations of a Laplace smoother are applied.
gmshModelMeshSetTransfiniteCurve⚠ | Set a transfinite meshing constraint on the curve tag , with numNodes
nodes distributed according to meshType and coef . Currently supported
types are "Progression" (geometrical progression with power coef ) and
"Bump" (refinement toward both extremities of the curve).
gmshModelMeshSetTransfiniteSurface⚠ | Set a transfinite meshing constraint on the surface tag . arrangement
describes the arrangement of the triangles when the surface is not flagged
as recombined: currently supported values are "Left", "Right",
"AlternateLeft" and "AlternateRight". cornerTags can be used to specify
the (3 or 4) corners of the transfinite interpolation explicitly;
specifying the corners explicitly is mandatory if the surface has more that
3 or 4 points on its boundary.
gmshModelMeshSetTransfiniteVolume⚠ | Set a transfinite meshing constraint on the surface tag . cornerTags can
be used to specify the (6 or 8) corners of the transfinite interpolation
gmshModelMeshSmooth⚠ | Smooth the mesh of the current model.
gmshModelMeshSplitQuadrangles⚠ | Split (into two triangles) all quadrangles in surface tag whose quality
is lower than quality . If tag < 0, split quadrangles in all surfaces.
gmshModelMeshUnpartition⚠ | Unpartition the mesh of the current model.
gmshModelOccAddBSpline⚠ | Add a b-spline curve of degree degree with pointTags control points. If
weights , knots or multiplicities are not provided, default parameters
are computed automatically. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly;
otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Create a periodic curve if
the first and last points are the same. Return the tag of the b-spline
gmshModelOccAddBezier⚠ | Add a Bezier curve with pointTags control points. If tag is positive,
set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically.
Return the tag of the Bezier curve.
gmshModelOccAddBox⚠ | Add a parallelepipedic box defined by a point (x , y , z ) and the
extents along the x-, y- and z-axes. If tag is positive, set the tag
explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag
of the box.
gmshModelOccAddCircle⚠ | Add a circle of center (x , y , z ) and radius r . If tag is
positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected
automatically. If angle1 and angle2 are specified, create a circle arc
between the two angles. Return the tag of the circle.
gmshModelOccAddCircleArc⚠ | Add a circle arc between the two points with tags startTag and endTag ,
with center centerTag . If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly;
otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag of the circle
gmshModelOccAddCone⚠ | Add a cone, defined by the center (x , y , z ) of its first circular
face, the 3 components of the vector (dx , dy , dz ) defining its axis
and the two radii r1 and r2 of the faces (these radii can be zero). If
tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected
automatically. angle defines the optional angular opening (from 0 to
2*Pi). Return the tag of the cone.
gmshModelOccAddCurveLoop⚠ | Add a curve loop (a closed wire) formed by the curves curveTags .
curveTags should contain tags of curves forming a closed loop. Note that
an OpenCASCADE curve loop can be made of curves that share geometrically
identical (but topologically different) points. If tag is positive, set
the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Return
the tag of the curve loop.
gmshModelOccAddCylinder⚠ | Add a cylinder, defined by the center (x , y , z ) of its first circular
face, the 3 components (dx , dy , dz ) of the vector defining its axis
and its radius r . The optional angle argument defines the angular
opening (from 0 to 2*Pi). If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly;
otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag of the
gmshModelOccAddDisk⚠ | Add a disk with center (xc , yc , zc ) and radius rx along the x-axis
and ry along the y-axis. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly;
otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag of the disk.
gmshModelOccAddEllipse⚠ | Add an ellipse of center (x , y , z ) and radii r1 and r2 along the
x- and y-axes respectively. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly;
otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. If angle1 and angle2 are
specified, create an ellipse arc between the two angles. Return the tag of
the ellipse. Note that OpenCASCADE does not allow creating ellipses with
the major radius (along the x-axis) smaller than or equal to the minor
radius (along the y-axis): rotate the shape or use addCircle in such
gmshModelOccAddEllipseArc⚠ | Add an ellipse arc between the two points startTag and endTag , with
center centerTag and major axis point majorTag . If tag is positive,
set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically.
Return the tag of the ellipse arc. Note that OpenCASCADE does not allow
creating ellipse arcs with the major radius smaller than the minor radius.
gmshModelOccAddLine⚠ | Add a straight line segment between the two points with tags startTag and
endTag . If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag
is selected automatically. Return the tag of the line.
gmshModelOccAddPipe⚠ | Add a pipe by extruding the entities dimTags along the wire wireTag .
Return the pipe in outDimTags .
gmshModelOccAddPlaneSurface⚠ | Add a plane surface defined by one or more curve loops (or closed wires)
wireTags . The first curve loop defines the exterior contour; additional
curve loop define holes. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly;
otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag of the
gmshModelOccAddPoint⚠ | Add a geometrical point in the OpenCASCADE CAD representation, at
coordinates (x , y , z ). If meshSize is > 0, add a meshing constraint
at that point. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a
new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag of the point. (Note that
the point will be added in the current model only after synchronize is
called. This behavior holds for all the entities added in the occ module.)
gmshModelOccAddRectangle⚠ | Add a rectangle with lower left corner at (x , y , z ) and upper right
corner at (x + dx , y + dy , z ). If tag is positive, set the tag
explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Round the
corners if roundedRadius is nonzero. Return the tag of the rectangle.
gmshModelOccAddSphere⚠ | Add a sphere of center (xc , yc , zc ) and radius r . The optional
angle1 and angle2 arguments define the polar angle opening (from -Pi/2
to Pi/2). The optional angle3 argument defines the azimuthal opening
(from 0 to 2*Pi). If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a
new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag of the sphere.
gmshModelOccAddSpline⚠ | Add a spline (C2 b-spline) curve going through the points pointTags . If
tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected
automatically. Create a periodic curve if the first and last points are the
same. Return the tag of the spline curve.
gmshModelOccAddSurfaceFilling⚠ | Add a surface filling the curve loops in wireTags . If tag is positive,
set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically.
Return the tag of the surface. If pointTags are provided, force the
surface to pass through the given points.
gmshModelOccAddSurfaceLoop⚠ | Add a surface loop (a closed shell) formed by surfaceTags . If tag is
positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected
automatically. Return the tag of the surface loop. Setting sewing allows
to build a shell made of surfaces that share geometrically identical (but
topologically different) curves.
gmshModelOccAddThickSolid⚠ | Add a hollowed volume built from an initial volume volumeTag and a set of
faces from this volume excludeSurfaceTags , which are to be removed. The
remaining faces of the volume become the walls of the hollowed solid, with
thickness offset . If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise
a new tag is selected automatically.
gmshModelOccAddThruSections⚠ | Add a volume (if the optional argument makeSolid is set) or surfaces
defined through the open or closed wires wireTags . If tag is positive,
set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. The
new entities are returned in outDimTags . If the optional argument
makeRuled is set, the surfaces created on the boundary are forced to be
ruled surfaces.
gmshModelOccAddTorus⚠ | Add a torus, defined by its center (x , y , z ) and its 2 radii r and
r2 . If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is
selected automatically. The optional argument angle defines the angular
opening (from 0 to 2*Pi). Return the tag of the wedge.
gmshModelOccAddVolume⚠ | Add a volume (a region) defined by one or more surface loops shellTags .
The first surface loop defines the exterior boundary; additional surface
loop define holes. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise
a new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag of the volume.
gmshModelOccAddWedge⚠ | Add a right angular wedge, defined by the right-angle point (x , y , z )
and the 3 extends along the x-, y- and z-axes (dx , dy , dz ). If tag
is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected
automatically. The optional argument ltx defines the top extent along the
x-axis. Return the tag of the wedge.
gmshModelOccAddWire⚠ | Add a wire (open or closed) formed by the curves curveTags . Note that an
OpenCASCADE wire can be made of curves that share geometrically identical
(but topologically different) points. If tag is positive, set the tag
explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. Return the tag
of the wire.
gmshModelOccAffineTransform⚠ | Apply a general affine transformation matrix a (16 entries of a 4x4
matrix, by row; only the 12 first can be provided for convenience) to the
model entities dimTag .
gmshModelOccChamfer⚠ | Chamfer the volumes volumeTags on the curves curveTags with distances
distances measured on surfaces surfaceTags . The distances vector can
either contain a single distance, as many distances as curveTags and
surfaceTags , or twice as many as curveTags and surfaceTags (in which
case the first in each pair is measured on the corresponding surface in
surfaceTags , the other on the other adjacent surface). Return the
chamfered entities in outDimTags . Remove the original volume if
removeVolume is set.
gmshModelOccCopy⚠ | Copy the entities dimTags ; the new entities are returned in outDimTags .
gmshModelOccCut⚠ | Compute the boolean difference between the entities objectDimTags and
toolDimTags . Return the resulting entities in outDimTags . If tag is
positive, try to set the tag explicitly (only valid if the boolean
operation results in a single entity). Remove the object if removeObject
is set. Remove the tool if removeTool is set.
gmshModelOccDilate⚠ | Scale the model entities dimTag by factors a , b and c along the
three coordinate axes; use (x , y , z ) as the center of the homothetic
gmshModelOccExtrude⚠ | Extrude the model entities dimTags by translation along (dx , dy ,
dz ). Return extruded entities in outDimTags . If numElements is not
empty, also extrude the mesh: the entries in numElements give the number
of elements in each layer. If height is not empty, it provides the
(cumulative) height of the different layers, normalized to 1.
gmshModelOccFillet⚠ | Fillet the volumes volumeTags on the curves curveTags with radii
radii . The radii vector can either contain a single radius, as many
radii as curveTags , or twice as many as curveTags (in which case
different radii are provided for the begin and end points of the curves).
Return the filleted entities in outDimTags . Remove the original volume if
removeVolume is set.
gmshModelOccFragment⚠ | Compute the boolean fragments (general fuse) of the entities
objectDimTags and toolDimTags . Return the resulting entities in
outDimTags . If tag is positive, try to set the tag explicitly (only
valid if the boolean operation results in a single entity). Remove the
object if removeObject is set. Remove the tool if removeTool is set.
gmshModelOccFuse⚠ | Compute the boolean union (the fusion) of the entities objectDimTags and
toolDimTags . Return the resulting entities in outDimTags . If tag is
positive, try to set the tag explicitly (only valid if the boolean
operation results in a single entity). Remove the object if removeObject
is set. Remove the tool if removeTool is set.
gmshModelOccGetCenterOfMass⚠ | Get the center of mass of the model entity of dimension dim and tag
tag .
gmshModelOccGetMass⚠ | Get the mass of the model entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelOccGetMatrixOfInertia⚠ | Get the matrix of inertia (by row) of the model entity of dimension dim
and tag tag .
gmshModelOccHealShapes⚠ | Apply various healing procedures to the entities dimTags (or to all the
entities in the model if dimTags is empty). Return the healed entities in
outDimTags . Available healing options are listed in the Gmsh reference
gmshModelOccImportShapes⚠ | Import BREP, STEP or IGES shapes from the file fileName . The imported
entities are returned in outDimTags . If the optional argument
highestDimOnly is set, only import the highest dimensional entities in
the file. The optional argument format can be used to force the format of
the file (currently "brep", "step" or "iges").
gmshModelOccImportShapesNativePointer⚠ | Imports an OpenCASCADE shape by providing a pointer to a native
OpenCASCADE TopoDS_Shape object (passed as a pointer to void). The
imported entities are returned in outDimTags . If the optional argument
highestDimOnly is set, only import the highest dimensional entities in
shape . For C and C++ only. Warning: this function is unsafe, as providing
an invalid pointer will lead to undefined behavior.
gmshModelOccIntersect⚠ | Compute the boolean intersection (the common parts) of the entities
objectDimTags and toolDimTags . Return the resulting entities in
outDimTags . If tag is positive, try to set the tag explicitly (only
valid if the boolean operation results in a single entity). Remove the
object if removeObject is set. Remove the tool if removeTool is set.
gmshModelOccRemove⚠ | Remove the entities dimTags . If recursive is true, remove all the
entities on their boundaries, down to dimension 0.
gmshModelOccRemoveAllDuplicates⚠ | Remove all duplicate entities (different entities at the same geometrical
location) after intersecting (using boolean fragments) all highest
dimensional entities.
gmshModelOccRevolve⚠ | Extrude the model entities dimTags by rotation of angle radians around
the axis of revolution defined by the point (x , y , z ) and the
direction (ax , ay , az ). Return extruded entities in outDimTags . If
numElements is not empty, also extrude the mesh: the entries in
numElements give the number of elements in each layer. If height is not
empty, it provides the (cumulative) height of the different layers,
normalized to 1. When the mesh is extruded the angle should be strictly
smaller than 2*Pi.
gmshModelOccRotate⚠ | Rotate the model entities dimTags of angle radians around the axis of
revolution defined by the point (x , y , z ) and the direction (ax ,
ay , az ).
gmshModelOccSetMeshSize⚠ | Set a mesh size constraint on the model entities dimTags . Currently only
entities of dimension 0 (points) are handled.
gmshModelOccSymmetrize⚠ | Apply a symmetry transformation to the model entities dimTag , with
respect to the plane of equation a * x + b * y + c * z + d = 0.
gmshModelOccSynchronize⚠ | Synchronize the OpenCASCADE CAD representation with the current Gmsh model.
This can be called at any time, but since it involves a non trivial amount
of processing, the number of synchronization points should normally be
gmshModelOccTranslate⚠ | Translate the model entities dimTags along (dx , dy , dz ).
gmshModelRemove⚠ | Remove the current model.
gmshModelRemoveEntities⚠ | Remove the entities dimTags of the current model. If recursive is true,
remove all the entities on their boundaries, down to dimension 0.
gmshModelRemoveEntityName⚠ | Remove the entity name name from the current model.
gmshModelRemovePhysicalGroups⚠ | Remove the physical groups dimTags of the current model. If dimTags is
empty, remove all groups.
gmshModelRemovePhysicalName⚠ | Remove the physical name name from the current model.
gmshModelSetColor⚠ | Set the color of the model entities dimTags to the RGBA value (r , g ,
b , a ), where r , g , b and a should be integers between 0 and
255. Apply the color setting recursively if recursive is true.
gmshModelSetCoordinates⚠ | Set the x , y , z coordinates of a geometrical point.
gmshModelSetCurrent⚠ | Set the current model to the model with name name . If several models have
the same name, select the one that was added first.
gmshModelSetEntityName⚠ | Set the name of the entity of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelSetPhysicalName⚠ | Set the name of the physical group of dimension dim and tag tag .
gmshModelSetVisibility⚠ | Set the visibility of the model entities dimTags to value . Apply the
visibility setting recursively if recursive is true.
gmshOnelabClear⚠ | Clear the ONELAB database, or remove a single parameter if name is given.
gmshOnelabGet⚠ | Get all the parameters (or a single one if name is specified) from the
ONELAB database, encoded in format .
gmshOnelabGetNumber⚠ | Get the value of the number parameter name from the ONELAB database.
Return an empty vector if the parameter does not exist.
gmshOnelabGetString⚠ | Get the value of the string parameter name from the ONELAB database.
Return an empty vector if the parameter does not exist.
gmshOnelabRun⚠ | Run a ONELAB client. If name is provided, create a new ONELAB client with
name name and executes command . If not, try to run a client that might
be linked to the processed input files.
gmshOnelabSet⚠ | Set one or more parameters in the ONELAB database, encoded in format .
gmshOnelabSetNumber⚠ | Set the value of the number parameter name in the ONELAB database. Create
the parameter if it does not exist; update the value if the parameter
gmshOnelabSetString⚠ | Set the value of the string parameter name in the ONELAB database. Create
the parameter if it does not exist; update the value if the parameter
gmshOpen⚠ | Open a file. Equivalent to the File->Open menu in the Gmsh app. Handling
of the file depends on its extension and/or its contents: opening a file
with model data will create a new model.
gmshOptionGetColor⚠ | Get the r , g , b , a value of a color option. name is of the form
"category.option" or "category[num].option". Available categories and
options are listed in the Gmsh reference manual, with the "Color." middle
string removed.
gmshOptionGetNumber⚠ | Get the value of a numerical option. name is of the form
"category.option" or "category[num].option". Available categories and
options are listed in the Gmsh reference manual.
gmshOptionGetString⚠ | Get the value of a string option. name is of the form "category.option"
or "category[num].option". Available categories and options are listed in
the Gmsh reference manual.
gmshOptionSetColor⚠ | Set a color option to the RGBA value (r , g , b , a ), where where r ,
g , b and a should be integers between 0 and 255. name is of the
form "category.option" or "category[num].option". Available categories and
options are listed in the Gmsh reference manual, with the "Color." middle
string removed.
gmshOptionSetNumber⚠ | Set a numerical option to value . name is of the form "category.option"
or "category[num].option". Available categories and options are listed in
the Gmsh reference manual.
gmshOptionSetString⚠ | Set a string option to value . name is of the form "category.option" or
"category[num].option". Available categories and options are listed in the
Gmsh reference manual.
gmshPluginRun⚠ | Run the plugin name .
gmshPluginSetNumber⚠ | Set the numerical option option to the value value for plugin name .
gmshPluginSetString⚠ | Set the string option option to the value value for plugin name .
gmshViewAdd⚠ | Add a new post-processing view, with name name . If tag is positive use
it (and remove the view with that tag if it already exists), otherwise
associate a new tag. Return the view tag.
gmshViewAddAlias⚠ | Add a post-processing view as an alias of the reference view with tag
refTag . If copyOptions is set, copy the options of the reference view.
If tag is positive use it (and remove the view with that tag if it
already exists), otherwise associate a new tag. Return the view tag.
gmshViewAddListData⚠ | Add list-based post-processing data to the view with tag tag . dataType
identifies the data: "SP" for scalar points, "VP", for vector points, etc.
numEle gives the number of elements in the data. data contains the data
for the numEle elements.
gmshViewAddModelData⚠ | Add model-based post-processing data to the view with tag tag .
modelName identifies the model the data is attached to. dataType
specifies the type of data, currently either "NodeData", "ElementData" or
"ElementNodeData". step specifies the identifier (>= 0) of the data in a
sequence. tags gives the tags of the nodes or elements in the mesh to
which the data is associated. data is a vector of the same length as
tags : each entry is the vector of double precision numbers representing
the data associated with the corresponding tag. The optional time
argument associate a time value with the data. numComponents gives the
number of data components (1 for scalar data, 3 for vector data, etc.) per
entity; if negative, it is automatically inferred (when possible) from the
input data. partition allows to specify data in several sub-sets.
gmshViewCombine⚠ | Combine elements (if what == "elements") or steps (if what == "steps")
of all views (how == "all"), all visible views (how == "visible") or
all views having the same name (how == "name"). Remove original views if
remove is set.
gmshViewCopyOptions⚠ | Copy the options from the view with tag refTag to the view with tag
tag .
gmshViewGetIndex⚠ | Get the index of the view with tag tag in the list of currently loaded
views. This dynamic index (it can change when views are removed) is used to
access view options.
gmshViewGetListData⚠ | Get list-based post-processing data from the view with tag tag . Return
the types dataTypes , the number of elements numElements for each data
type and the data for each data type.
gmshViewGetModelData⚠ | Get model-based post-processing data from the view with tag tag at step
step . Return the data associated to the nodes or the elements with tags
tags , as well as the dataType and the number of components
numComponents .
gmshViewGetTags⚠ | Get the tags of all views.
gmshViewProbe⚠ | Probe the view tag for its value at point (x , y , z ). Return only
the value at step step is step is positive. Return only values with
numComp if numComp is positive. Return the gradient of the value if
gradient is set. Probes with a geometrical tolerance (in the reference
unit cube) of tolerance if tolerance is not zero. Return the result
from the element described by its coordinates if xElementCoord ,
yElementCoord and zElementCoord are provided.
gmshViewRemove⚠ | Remove the view with tag tag .
gmshViewWrite⚠ | Write the view to a file fileName . The export format is determined by the
file extension. Append to the file if append is set.
gmshWrite⚠ | Write a file. The export format is determined by the file extension.